Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Communication skills workshop 2 Reflecting feelings and attending behaviour

Communication skills workshop 2 Reflecting feelings and attending behaviour

Q In the Content area, revisit the videos and your responses for reflecting feelings and attending behavior from your communication skills pre-test. Include your original reflection of feeling and response for attending behavior from the pre-test in your post. Answer the following: After learning more about reflecting feelings and attending behavior, write a different reflection of feelings and response for attending behavior. How would you respond differently now? As you read the posts of your classmates, how does your new response compare to theirs? What have you learned from one another?

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Two behavioral changes (suggestions): Breathe in and out when you feel anger setting and letting it go through control of mind over body Don’t always take it personally and sometimes just explain to yourself it is a bad day and move on; don’t overthink!